【國際快訊】IFLA 2020 WORLD CONGRESS延至2021

【國際快訊】IFLA 2020 WORLD CONGRESS 因應國際新冠肺炎疫情(COVID-19,武漢肺炎)延遲至2021年辦理,實際辦理時間將依本屆主辦單位馬來西亞景觀建築師協會(ILAM)公告為準。


IFLA2020 will be postponed and rescheduled to 2021 due to global Covid-19 pandemic outbreak. The latest statement is just published in IFLA World website today.

Please stay tune to the next announcement of the IFLA2020 World Landscape Architects Congress date which will be announced by Institute of Landscape Architects Malaysia (ILAM) after the Movement Control Order (MCO) is lifted in Malaysia.

IFLA 2020 WORLD CONGRESS活動報名網站:https://www.ifla2020.com/